Consumption of nitrous oxide (N2O)
Various microbial and abiotic processes lead to the formation of
N2O a strong greenhouse gas. The only sink reaction for N2O is the enzymatic reduction
to inert dinitrogen (N2). This function has traditionally been attributed to
complete denitrifiers, which reduce nitrate and nitrite via N2O to N2.
In 2012, an “atypical” Clade II N2O reductase gene, nosZ, was discovered and found to be
more abundant in many soil ecosystems than the known “typical” Clade I nosZ gene, suggesting that
our understanding of the role of nosZ in controlling soil N2O emissions was incomplete.
Physiological studies demonstrated that bacteria with Clade II NosZ have higher growth yields with
N2O as electron acceptor and consume N2O at lower concentrations.
We work with axenic cultures, mixed cultures and mesocosms and explore how perturbations
(e.g., fertilizer application, environmental change) affect the relative contributions of
Clade I versus Clade II microorganisms and associated N2O fluxes. This research
contributes to a better understanding of N pools and fluxes, and reveals how perturbations,
both natural and engineered, affect N cycling and N2O emissions.